West Fork Oct 08

Fall color is unrivaled on this narrow side canyon of Oak Creek
PA024233   WEST FORK FALL COLOR PA024234 PA024235 PA024237   Crossing the footbridge on West Fork
PA024238   The first frosts have turned the summer ferns brown PA024239 PA024240 PA024241
PA024242 PA024244   Looking over the old ranch buildings PA024245 PA024246
PA024247 PA024250 PA024251   Fall color at last! PA024252   Abover the ranch, the canyon closes in
PA024253 PA024254 PA024255 PA024256
PA024257 PA024258 PA024259   Poison ivy is now easy to spot PA024260
PA024261 PA024264 PA024265   Can anyone identify this animal? PA024266
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PA024271 PA024272   We stop at "Coffee Break Rocks" PA024273 PA024274
PA024275 PA024276 PA024277   Back on the trail, up the narrowing canyon PA024278
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PA024287 PA024288   The crossings become more frequent as we go up the canyon PA024289 PA024290
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PA024296   Huge blocks have calved off rom the walls, some recently PA024297 PA024298 PA024299
PA024300   Another recent rockfall PA024301 PA024302 PA024303
PA024304   "Lunch Ledge", our regular end-of-trail break, high above the creek PA024305 PA024306   Autumn swirls of algae in the creek below us PA024307
PA024309   Our railfan guests PA024310 PA024311 PA024312
PA024313   We start back PA024314 PA024315 PA024316
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PA024321 PA024322 PA024323   The "Indian Head" formation PA024324
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